Putting the Play back in Plays

In this 8 week drama lab kids will put together a play from scratch & perform it! From writing the scripts to making the sets & costumes, kids are running the show!

The goal is not to train the kiddos to be the next generation of the best singers, dancers, actors, set painters, costumers, etc. It’s to take the ideas and excitement they naturally possess, and help them bring them to life through drama-based practice and play.

Our next session runs January 10th-February 28th

In drama lab kids will work with their peers and facilitators Izzi & Aliah to write scripts, create costumes, and make their own sets and props. We will use drama-based play and learning to build confidence and outside-the-box thinking with an “anything is possible, let’s try!” attitude.

Fridays 4:00-5:30
ages 6-10

Jan 10-Feb 28th

psst! Want a little more info about Drama Lab? Check out this video from izzi, one of the instructors!

meet the instructors!